Part 3

The Coming Of "Elijah" Before

The Great And Fear-inspiring Day of Jehovah

-– Malachi 4:5

YORWWBible Institute& Religious Studies

Well, when we think about it, we can see the holy spirit could be used as both, (a) a powerful spirit force that guided and motivated individual Christians in the first century and since that time, (b) as well as the personified human upon earth, that we speak of, namely "Elijah" who comes before the "great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah." (Malachi 4:5) Therefore, the YORWW Congregation believes as you do, that God's Holy Spirit did act as a "helper", a "counselor" [Greek: paraclete ] in the first century, assisting first century Christians, as well as in later periods of time.

And yet also, the bible shows that Jehovah God, who is not limited, could put into motion, a specialized personification of His "Spirit," within the person of an imperfect man, especially if the job required it. In fact, Jehovah has already done this, when he inspired 40 imperfect, sinful men to pen his Holy Word.

The Great Importance of the role of "Elijah" and his powerful "coming" quite simply demands this one have a special operation of God's Holy Spirit upon him, in an unusual way...due to the magnitude of the job required of him. The Holy Scriptures reveal this. It is an absolute necessity, in God eyes.

You see by the time "he," the "spirit" is sent, the world scene will be critical, even on the verge of total destruction, from Jehovah's and Jesus's vantage point. Just as the prophet Malachi foretold -- the complete destruction of mankind would be imminent. -- Malachi 4:5, 6

This is why Jesus said of "Elijah," thus would need to "restore ALL things." And that means, yes, ...ALL THINGS, then NEED "restoring", spiritually speaking, in God's eyes. "All Things" on earth. A complete earth wide "re-creation" or palingenesis or "re-birth" of spiritual things is NEEDED, as God Almighty sees it. -- Mathew 17:11; Matthew 19:28

Actually, some ill-informed reformers among Jehovah's witnesses who are aware of the blatant lawlessness practiced by the leadership of the organization, have come to the conclusion that Jesus, himself will have to 
personally come back to earth, and literally straighten out God's Name People, so that the "anointed" among them, can be re-grouped and "restored" back to God's favor, and cleansed again, as a people from the stain of idolatry and outright apostasy itself.

Well, the bible verse found at 
Acts 3:20, 21 actually removes all doubt about such a foolish notion, on the part of these particular reformers among God's Name People, Jehovah's witnesses.

Please consider the following information that will scripturally address this point and explain the true meaning of 
Acts 3:20, 21.

-- Acts 3:19-23

As we recall, Acts 3:19-21 speaks of this great day of spiritual "restoration," this way:

"Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the person of Jehovah and that he may send forth the Christ appointed for you, Jesus whom 
HEAVEN, INDEED, MUST HOLD WITHIN ITSELF until the times of RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS of which God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets of old time."

Yes, did you notice the verse says, "
heaven, must hold" Jesus "within itself," yes until spiritual "restoration of all things" is complete? Did you notice this?

This means Jesus himself, does not participate at all in the full "restoration" of 
EARTHLY apostate Israel, the wayward "12 tribes of Israel" in the last days. No, Jesus does not! No, but just as the verse says, "heaven must hold within itself," Jesus until the full "restoration of all things." That is precisely what that verse means. The bible is clear on that point.


To further that thought, we vividly recall the fact that Jesus himself, referred to his being in heaven with all of his faithful disciples when the magnificent "Restoration of all things," as the prophets calls it, commences upon earth. Yes, Jesus said at Matthew 19:28:

"...Truly I say to you, in the re-creation [Greek: palingenesis], when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."

Yes, Jesus showed that he would actually be in heaven, sitting upon thrones along with the faithful from among the first century, "judging" together the "12 tribes of Israel" who exist at that time upon earth, in apostasy.

Interestingly, noted bible scholar W.E. Vine, commenting on Matthew 19:28 and Acts 3:21 makes the following connection with outright apostasy and the need for total "regeneration" of faith, for the entire nation of Israel by saying:

"In Matt. 19:28 the word [
palingenesis] is used, in the Lord's discourse, in the wider sense, of the "restoration of all things" (Acts 3:21, R.V.) when, as a result of the Second Advent of Christ, Jehovah 'sets His King upon His holy hill of Zion' (Ps. 2:6), and Israel, NOW IN APOSTASY, is restored to its destined status, in the recognition and under the benign sovereignty of its Messiah." -- See Vines Expository of New Testament Words under subheading for the word "Regeneration."

Therefore, we can see again the weighty connection between Acts 3:21 and Matthew 19:28 and how, the theme of "apostasy" is at the core of the discussion, when Jesus made such an insightful statement. Clearly, Jesus is saying that he himself would be actually, IN HEAVEN, while the nation of Israel was to be found in "apostasy" and needing full "restoration" during the "time of the end."

Therefore, just as promised by Jesus to occur at the hands of the coming "prophet" who is very much like Moses, full "restoration of all things," would occur while Jesus was in heaven. In fact, you will notice after verses 20 and 21, yes Acts 3:22, 23 continues this thought by saying,

"In fact, Moses said, Jehovah God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet LIKE ME. You must listen to him according to all the things he speaks to you. Indeed, any soul that does not listen to that Prophet will be 
completely destroyed from among the people."

Yes, this "Prophet" who is 
most like Moses spoken of above, would be the same one foretold to come we know as the one called "Elijah," again the one that Jesus said would also "restore all things."

Now, with that thought in mind, lets' consider what Jesus clearly said at Matthew 17:11. He stated:

"...Elijah indeed, is coming and will restore all things."

Yes, did you notice what Jesus said above? Yes, Jesus clearly said...Elijah was coming...as in the future. And when he comes, Jesus said that Elijah, and NOT HIMSELF, but only Elijah, would indeed "RESTORE ALL THINGS." That's what Jesus said was going to happen, in the last days...during our day and time.

And of course, we know Jesus never claimed to be "Elijah," did he? Also, we know that this verse could not apply to "John the Baptist" as many claim again today, because the bible record itself does not show John the Baptist at any time, "restoring all things" during his brief ministry of some 6 months, does it? No, but it was Jesus Christ himself, who "restored all things" in the first century...isn't that so? So John the Baptist did not "restore all things" by no stretch of the imagination in the first century, but of course Jesus did...isn't that so?

In fact, we know that John the Baptist was even asked, point-blank by inquiring ones, was he actually "Elijah" the promised coming one, and the inspired record shows 
he emphatically said "No." So nothing could be clearer than John the Baptist OWN WORDS, wouldn't you agree? -- See John 1:21.

Therefore, the promised coming of "Elijah," who was to "restore all things," thus will logically prove to be a modern-day prophet, one that Jehovah God uses to establish a Great Spiritual Temple in God's Name, and will 
lead the nation of "Israel," God's Name People...."back to God" far away from apostasy. This one we speak of, would be known as God's "Chieftain" who "eats bread" in the East Gate where God resides, and also as the "Servant" that brings the nation of Israel "back" to Jehovah, at God's request. -- See Isaiah 49:5, 6Ezekiel 44:3.

Therefore, all of this thus means, during the time that this Specially Appointed Prophet of God is present, upon earth, carrying out his Special Ministry to "restore all things," Jesus would be in heaven! Simple.

However, in this instance, he is simply referred to as the "Prophet" who is most like Moses. Yes, he becomes the one who comes with a "covenant," like Moses. And since he is shown to be the Last Prophet that God will send to Israel, then God's Name People, must pay STRICT HEED to everything, yes everything he says, as Jehovah is not going to send another prophet to the nation of Israel, after this time. Therefore, anyone who does NOT strictly listen to the voice of this Last Prophet that God sends, will be as the verse says, "completely destroyed from among the people," in Gehenna or the Lake of fire, everlastingly. Think about it. -- Please compare Isaiah 49:8; Malachi 4:5, 6; Matthew 17:10, 11; Acts 3:22, 23.

Therefore, this spiritual "restoration of all things" under the leadership of the foretold coming of the "Prophet" 
most like Moses, then must first be fully accomplished during the period we call the "re-creation" or palin-genesis [see footnote NWT Lg Prt bible] as spoken of at Matthew 19:28, 29. And all of this occurs before, before the "coming system of things" or the 1,000 year reign of peace occurs, where the servant of God finally gains "everlasting life," as Jesus said.

Now, most would agree, when we come to understand the entire situation facing mankind, the enormous weight of this job, that this IS a pretty big assignment for one, puny imperfect man "made of clay" to handle, wouldn't you agree? We, of the YORWW Congregation certainly think so. -- 
Job 33:6

Therefore, this one, "Elijah", then would have to have a strong force, a generous portion of God's Holy Spirit upon himself, to handle such a weighty assignment from God, wouldn't you think? At least, comparable to what Moses had himself, but perhaps even more so. We remember Moses had an abundance of holy spirit, so much so, as to share "holy spirit" with 70 other men. -- See Number 11:25


Therefore, we must consider what’s at stake here. Yes, "Elijah" must fully accomplish his mission, because so much is at stake in terms of lives, human lives being lost possibly. Thus, reasonably we would expect he would need a generous supply of God's Holy Spirit to fully accomplish his ministry. And in that way, he could be known as the "Spirit" of God, just as the holy invite of "living waters" is given out during our time:

"And the Spirit and the Bride keep on saying: "Come!"

And let anyone hearing say: "Come!" And let anyone thirsting come;

let anyone that wishes take life's water free."

                                                                           -- Revelation 22:17

Thus, God Almighty Himself spoke of the great importance of his mission by saying:

"Look! I am sending to you people Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah." -- Malachi 4:5

Why? What could happen at the "great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah" that is so ominous for humanity?

"...in order that I [Jehovah] may NOT come and actually STRIKE THE EARTH WITH A DEVOTING OF IT TO DESTRUCTION." -- Malachi 4:6

In other words, Jehovah says, if He didn't send "Elijah", and this powerfully spirit-infused prophet did not for whatever reason, accomplish his mission...Jehovah would have, as He openly says, no alternative but to STRIKE THE EARTH WITH A DEVOTING OF IT TO DESTRUCTION!!!

Now how serious is that, would you say?

So then, the scriptures reveal to us the grave truth that this man, this "Elijah" that God sends, then is the LAST HOPE for the people of earth. Just like Jesus was, when he came in the first century.

Therefore, given the great magnitude of his assignment, I wouldn't think most people would have a problem with believing the "coming" of the great prophet ELIJAH could be viewed in Jehovah's eyes and Jesus' eyes, as the personification of God's Holy Spirit, as the "Truth".

A simple illustration on this matter could be seen when we consider Proverbs 8:22-31. Here we find a bible description of "wisdom". A Godly Quality. And yet, many bible scholars have no problem believing that this Godly Quality Description, is actually a unique PERSONIFICATION of someone very close to Jehovah's heart...yes, Jesus Christ. Jesus the scriptures reveal is the full embodiment of "wisdom." -- Colossians 2:3

And no one has a problem with that description.

Perhaps even you, even you've reasoned the same about Proverbs 8:22-31 too. Therefore, to make a personification of a quality, or something intangible like "truth" is not too far-fetched or unreasonable when we consider the above circumstances, we are all facing today, in this world, and the critical role this one plays in the outworking of Jehovah's Universal Purposes. This is especially so, when we consider what "Elijah" is to accomplish for Jehovah and Jesus, namely:

"And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back toward fathers..." -- 
Malachi 4:6

This "Elijah" will do. And he could only do such a grand work of "repentance" or "turning hearts back" to God, only by means of Jehovah's Holy Spirit of Truth directing him. In ancient times, we remember the prophet Elijah was used as one who would "turn hearts back" to Jehovah. Elijah himself said,

"Answer me, O Jehovah, answer me, that this people may know that you, Jehovah, are the true God and you yourself have TURNED THEIR HEART BACK." -- 1 Kings 18:37; Jeremiah 31:18

And so, in taking such a title, even in his doing so, he continues to bring praise to our God Jehovah and Jesus Christ too, since all credit, praise and honor goes to God's Holy Active Force, His Spirit, the "Spirit of Truth" that emanates from Him, and that made all things possible. All things must continue to fully adhere to Jehovah's Will, His Autocratic Wishes...viewed as Supreme, always. So after all is said and done, nobody gets any real praise or honor out of this situation, of the "Spirit of Truth" being a man, but Jehovah God and His Loyal Son, Jesus.

Text Box: “...he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."
— Genesis 3:15b  NIV

A simple way to approach this unusual subject matter is this:

"Spirit of Truth" = A Man

A Man = "seed of woman [Eve]"

Genesis 3:15 fulfillment = "Mystery of God" is FINISHED. -- Revelation 10:7

In other words, a man from Eve, that has been "justified" or "declared righteous", thus "freed from guilt" of sin, by the blood of Jesus, can be used in the capacity God described in the Garden of Eden and fulfill his glorious promise made there, in the beginning. -- Matthew 12:7; Acts 13:38, 39

Romans 5:18 says,

"So, then, as through one trespass the result to men of all sorts was condemnation, likewise also through one act of JUSTIFICATION the result to men of all sorts is a declaring of them righteous for life."

***Thus, the blood of Jesus when applied, renders a sinful descendant of Eve, the "seed of Eve", "RIGHTEOUS FOR LIFE," in God's sight.***

Sidebar point to reemphasize theme:

Jesus Christ = "Mystery of God" in the first century

(Col. 1:27; 2:2 (Mystery/Sacred Secret)


"Elijah" [Spirit of Truth] = "Mystery of God" in our Modern Day times.

-- Malachi 4:5; Matthew 17:11; Matthew 19:28

He is sent by Jehovah, to "guide" all into full truth and declare the critical days of our future. Also, he is sent by Jesus Christ, to bring "glory" and honor to Jesus by "declaring" the things he "receives" from Jesus. Such as the granted or appointed right to be "firstborn" among all of mankind, something that originally "belonged" to Jesus, who replaced "Adam". (John 14:26: 15:26; 16:13-15; Psalms 89:27)

John 16:14, 15 says of the "Spirit of Truth:"

"That one will glorify me, because he will RECEIVE FROM WHAT IS MINE and WILL DECLARE IT TO YOU. All the things that the Father has are mine. That is why I said HE RECEIVES from what is mine and will DECLARE IT to you."

Among other things, he, the "Spirit of Truth", actually "receives" the right to be "FIRSTBORN", from Jesus Christ and "declares it" to God's People, Israel first. Jesus Christ we remember was considered the "last Adam." Jesus thus won that right to become, for all mankind, the FIRSTBORN of all humanity. The "Spirit of Truth" then, "receives" this great honor and privilege position, from Jesus Christ. -- 1 Corinthians 15:45

Psalms 89:27 says of the coming "Spirit of Truth,"

"Also, I myself shall place him as firstborn, the most high of the kings of the earth."

His main mission is:

(a) to "bring Jacob back to" Jehovah, an apostate nation, the spiritual nation of "Israel," and to "raise up" or restore the tribes of Israel for God, by way of spiritual "regeneration."

-- Isaiah 49:5, 6; Matthew 19:28

(b) And, in his so doing, he will become for God a "light for the nations...to the extremity of the earth" in our modern times. -- Isaiah 49:6

End of Part 3

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