Part 3 The Coming Of "Elijah" Before The Great And Fear-inspiring Day of Jehovah -– Malachi 4:5 |
Well, when we think about it, we can see the holy spirit could be used as both, (a) a powerful spirit force that guided and motivated individual Christians in the first century and since that time, (b) as well as the personified human upon earth, that we speak of, namely "Elijah" who comes before the "great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah." (Malachi 4:5) Therefore, the YORWW Congregation believes as you do, that God's Holy Spirit did act as a "helper", a "counselor" [Greek: paraclete ] in the first century, assisting first century Christians, as well as in later periods of time. |
The Great Importance of the role of "Elijah" and his powerful "coming" quite simply demands this one have a special operation of God's Holy Spirit upon him, in an unusual way...due to the magnitude of the job required of him. The Holy Scriptures reveal this. It is an absolute necessity, in God eyes. You see by the time "he," the "spirit" is sent, the world scene will be critical, even on the verge of total destruction, from Jehovah's and Jesus's vantage point. Just as the prophet Malachi foretold -- the complete destruction of mankind would be imminent. -- Malachi 4:5, 6 |
This is why Jesus said of "Elijah," thus would need to "restore ALL things." And that means, yes, ...ALL THINGS, then NEED "restoring", spiritually speaking, in God's eyes. "All Things" on earth. A complete earth wide "re-creation" or palingenesis or "re-birth" of spiritual things is NEEDED, as God Almighty sees it. -- Mathew 17:11; Matthew 19:28 |
As we recall, Acts 3:19-21 speaks of this great day of spiritual "restoration," this way:
To further that thought, we vividly recall the fact that Jesus himself, referred to his being in heaven with all of his faithful disciples when the magnificent "Restoration of all things," as the prophets calls it, commences upon earth. Yes, Jesus said at Matthew 19:28:
Yes, Jesus showed that he would actually be in heaven, sitting upon thrones along with the faithful from among the first century, "judging" together the "12 tribes of Israel" who exist at that time upon earth, in apostasy. |
Therefore, we can see again the weighty connection between Acts 3:21 and Matthew 19:28 and how, the theme of "apostasy" is at the core of the discussion, when Jesus made such an insightful statement. Clearly, Jesus is saying that he himself would be actually, IN HEAVEN, while the nation of Israel was to be found in "apostasy" and needing full "restoration" during the "time of the end." |
Therefore, just as promised by Jesus to occur at the hands of the coming "prophet" who is very much like Moses, full "restoration of all things," would occur while Jesus was in heaven. In fact, you will notice after verses 20 and 21, yes Acts 3:22, 23 continues this thought by saying, |
Now, with that thought in mind, lets' consider what Jesus clearly said at Matthew 17:11. He stated: |
However, in this instance, he is simply referred to as the "Prophet" who is most like Moses. Yes, he becomes the one who comes with a "covenant," like Moses. And since he is shown to be the Last Prophet that God will send to Israel, then God's Name People, must pay STRICT HEED to everything, yes everything he says, as Jehovah is not going to send another prophet to the nation of Israel, after this time. Therefore, anyone who does NOT strictly listen to the voice of this Last Prophet that God sends, will be as the verse says, "completely destroyed from among the people," in Gehenna or the Lake of fire, everlastingly. Think about it. -- Please compare Isaiah 49:8; Malachi 4:5, 6; Matthew 17:10, 11; Acts 3:22, 23.
Therefore, we must consider what’s at stake here. Yes, "Elijah" must fully accomplish his mission, because so much is at stake in terms of lives, human lives being lost possibly. Thus, reasonably we would expect he would need a generous supply of God's Holy Spirit to fully accomplish his ministry. And in that way, he could be known as the "Spirit" of God, just as the holy invite of "living waters" is given out during our time:
And let anyone hearing say: "Come!" And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life's water free." -- Revelation 22:17 |
"...in order that I [Jehovah] may NOT come and actually STRIKE THE EARTH WITH A DEVOTING OF IT TO DESTRUCTION." -- Malachi 4:6 |
Therefore, given the great magnitude of his assignment, I wouldn't think most people would have a problem with believing the "coming" of the great prophet ELIJAH could be viewed in Jehovah's eyes and Jesus' eyes, as the personification of God's Holy Spirit, as the "Truth". |
A simple way to approach this unusual subject matter is this: Romans 5:18 says, |
***Thus, the blood of Jesus when applied, renders a sinful descendant of Eve, the "seed of Eve", "RIGHTEOUS FOR LIFE," in God's sight.*** Sidebar point to reemphasize theme:
(Col. 1:27; 2:2 (Mystery/Sacred Secret) -- Malachi 4:5; Matthew 17:11; Matthew 19:28
-- Isaiah 49:5, 6; Matthew 19:28
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