Bible prophecy indicates the original covenant, the Christian Covenant then, is broken because of SPIRITUAL ADULTERY. However, this does not mean, Jehovah will not make a provision for his people, and ultimately restore all repentant Jehovah's Witnesses to His Eternal favor. -- See Ezekiel 43:7-9; Ezekiel 44:7; James 4:4.
Actually it is by Jehovah providing another "covenant" arrangement, like the kind that Jesus presented Peter and other faithful followers of the first century with, whereby true "repentance" to Jehovah could be shown. However, the big problem will be, How willing will Jehovah's Witnesses be toward such a "provision" from God? Bible prophecy indicates we will receive "an indefinitely lasting covenant", because of "an abhorrent sin" committed on the part of the Watchtower Society. Please consider these prophecies listed below. - Zechariah 13:1; Jeremiah 50:4,5; Ezekiel 16:59-63; Ezekiel 20:35-38.
Remember, Jesus' warning at Matthew 24:15, 16. He showed the truly repentant ones, those who wished to please Jehovah in all things, must "flee" APOSTATE Jerusalem namely in our case, the apostate Watchtower Society. Because what follows will be liken to the destruction of General Titus upon apostate Jerusalem, in 70 CE namely the "Great Tribulation", upon God's Own Name People. (Luke 21:24; Rev. 11:2; 13:5-7) Therefore we take advantage of the window of opportunity and flee an apostate organization, and be spared. These words are just as much applicable for us as they were for our first century counterparts. Yes, we have indeed, "caught sight" of the UN, a truly disgusting thing, standing with the ruling members of God's people, Jerusalem, "where it ought not be." -Mark 13:14.
Yes, what Jehovah's Witnesses all must learn is that the prophetic drama of "Oholah" and "Oholibah" is actually about them, and how they fit into this prophetic drama, as the newer prostitute "woman" or derelict religious organization. Yes, this is about Jehovah's Witnesses being "Israel" of Bible Prophecy. Would you like to know why we say Jehovah's Witnesses are fulfilling Bible Prophecy today as Modern Day "Israel"? If so, we will be more than happy to assist you to better understand our message. The information that follows, will we believe, provide the biblical basis for such a conclusion.
This message is about "Reconciliation" for Jehovah's Witnesses. We use the word "reconciliation" because we believe Jehovah's Witnesses as God's Name People, have severed their relationship with God, by breaking his "covenant" as a "Christian" Organization, thus bringing the wrath of God upon themselves very soon for doing so. - Daniel 11:30; Luke 21:21-24
When we speak of "Reconciliation" with God, we mean a mending or "reconciling" of one's broken relationship with Jehovah because of serious "transgression" committed on the part of the leadership of the organization, as well as the foretold serious repercussions that will come as a result of such a "transgression." - Leviticus 4:3; Daniel 8:9-12; Daniel 11:40, 41.
In this written material, one can learn something important. Yes, one can learn how to identify mystery "Israel" of Bible Prophecy, and what the immediate future holds for the nation. Finally, we can learn how Jehovah's Witnesses individually, can regain their relationship back with Jehovah, make true "peace" with God, and come to have an "indefinitely lasting covenant" with Him. - Jeremiah 50:4, 5; Ezekiel 16:59-63
So, we encourage you to examine the evidence, the biblical proofs, web links and key references presented, which fully explains how and why we say Jehovah's Witnesses as an international family of worshipers, a "people for His Name," are to be found especially reprehensible before God as transgressors against Him, in fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. - 2 Corinthians 13:5; Acts 17:11.
This written material that you are reading, yes, is being presented to all Jehovah's Witnesses by the Y.O.R.W.W. Congregation, which is made up of former Jehovah's Witnesses who have publicly renounced the blatant wickedness of the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization. The name Y.O.R.W.W. stands for: "YAH Our Righteousness" World Wide. (Psalms 68:4; Jeremiah 33:16) We are a "rescue mission" for Jehovah's Witnesses who recognize the serious problems affecting the organization and want to know God's solution to the problem. - Ezekiel 43:10, 11
As members of the Y.O.R.W.W. Congregation, we believe Jehovah's Witnesses are God's Name people, Modern Day "Israel" of our times. We believe they became such in the year of 1931 when they took God's Name upon themselves in a sworn oath before God Almighty and mankind. -- See Numbers 6:27; Deuteronomy 28:10; Acts 15:14-17. And as such, namely Modern Day "Israel," Jehovah's Witnesses were destined to "fall" into spiritual apostasy as foretold in prophecy. However we believe later, God's Name People as mystery "Israel" [or mystery "Jerusalem"] will be "restored" to Almighty God's full favor, again according to Bible Prophecy. -- Isaiah 30:26; Micah 4:6, 7.
Actually, Jesus himself predicted the necessity of a great spiritual "Restoration" or "Re-generation" for the "12 Tribes of Israel," thus indicating the nation was to fall into apostasy before God in the "time of the end." - (Greek word palingenesis translated "re-creation" in New World Translation in Matthew 19:28. See also Titus 3:5 NWT Large Print Ref Bib ftn.) - Acts 3:19-21
We liken our spiritual ministry to one exactly like Jesus' as shown at Matthew 15:24, where he spoke only to God's Name People, themselves - Jehovah's Witnesses of his time. Therefore, our ministry is liken to this type of ministry, where we speak only to Modern Day "Israel," God's Name People of our time - those who are a "people for God's Name - namely Jehovah's Witnesses. (Acts 15:14-17) Therefore our ministry is kind of like a special "emergency room" for all sincere Jehovah's Witnesses who desire assistance. In this "emergency room" setting we give immediate attention to special problem areas. We assist others to become "reconciled" to God and repent over past organizational errors in teachings and practices. We show scripturally where these are wrong.
End of Part 3