Actually, when Jehovah offered to give His Divine Law to His newly covenanted people, did you know, the Almighty Himself was yes, offering to actually miraculously "heal" these wretched people? Yes, to completely "heal" them as a nation of people. Did you know this?
Let's examine the pivotal scripture of Exodus 15:26 which says:
"And he went on to say: If you will strictly listen to the voice of Jehovah your God and will do what is right in his eyes and will indeed give ear to his commandments and keep all his regulations, I shall put none of the maladies upon you that I put upon the Egyptians; because I am Jehovah who is HEALING YOU."
Did you notice above that Jehovah God said that He Himself, was going to take this magnificent step toward these people, namely that of "healing them" -- Did you see this?
Yes, Jehovah upon presenting the nation of Israel with the Divine Law itself, God added the thought that He had every intention of "healing" the entire nation ... only, only if they "strictly listened" to His "Voice," -- did you see that?
Oh, Jehovah was most willing to actually "heal" the entire nation, if they proved to be an "obedient" nation, an "obedient" people, so different from their ancient parents, Adam and Eve. And again, this was because, Jehovah God, had taken them into His Glorious Kingdom Arrangement, similar to the one that existed when Adam and Eve were on earth, and they had not, as of yet, deliberately disobeyed Jehovah, the Ruler of the Garden of Eden. Think about it.
Therefore, Almighty God can easily remove the relentless "kings" of "Sin" and "Death," if He chooses...if one is willing to submit fully to His Kingdom Rule. That is simply a fact.
Again, to reinforce this thought, let's consider a few more verses that show this could have been a reality for the disobedient nation of Israel, if they had not constantly transgressed God's Divine Law given them. Let's consider Deuteronomy 7:15 which says:
"and Jehovah will certainly remove from you EVERY SICKNESS; and as for all the evil diseases of Egypt that you have known, he will not place them upon you, and he will indeed put them upon all those who hate you."
Again, did you notice:
Jehovah was willing to 'remove from you [Israel] every sickness' ... yes miraculously REMOVE EVERY SICKNESS, from these people that he granted a New Divine Law, the nation of Israel in its entirety. But again, He would only do this, yes, if they were completely obedient and diligent to indeed, keep this Divine Law given them by God Almighty. Yes, if they were willing to do this, then, yes Jehovah would keep his end of the "deal" and completely "heal" this entire nation, and keep them from "every sickness" upon earth! What a wonderful prospect to be a most blessed people, most blessed Israel, God's Name People...yes, only, if only they would obey Jehovah and keep his Holy Law...what a glorious prospect indeed for this people. Hallelujah!!!
It becomes exactly as God once told the nation of Israel through the prophet Isaiah by saying: "This is what Jehovah has said, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea." -- Isaiah 48:17, 18
So then, it was simply a matter of obeying Jehovah, yes obeying Him implicitly, that would bring about such wonderful blessings and the wonderful action on God's part to fully REMOVE the relentless kings of Sin and Death, and thereby granting unheard of blessings upon His Name People with again...yes, the full removal of EVERY SICKNESS upon earth, at that time!
It becomes as 1 Corinthians 2:9 says,
"But just as it is written: eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the [good] things that God has prepared for those who love him."
Think about it!
What a wonderful privilege, again, that comes with the Grand Giving of a New Divine Law from Jehovah God Himself to this special people, this special property of His -- namely His Royal Priesthood which would voluntarily agree to represent Him as: GOD'S KINGDOM ON EARTH! -- Exodus 19:5, 6; Deuteronomy 7:6; Matthew 21:43
Again, let's consider Psalms 103:2, 3 which says,
"Bless Jehovah, O my soul, And do not forget all his doings, Him who is forgiving all your error, Who is healing all your maladies."
Again, we see that there is the all important connection, of "forgiveness" of sins, on God's part, and the subsequent action He takes toward this special people, to "heal" them of yes, 'all their maladies.'
Again, to reinforce this thought, God Almighty said to His Name People,
"and you must serve Jehovah your God, and he will certainly bless your bread and your water; and I shall indeed TURN MALADY AWAY FROM YOUR MIDST." -- Exodus 23:25
Again, Jehovah promised His Covenanted People, that if they served Him in faithfulness, yes, He would do the impossible, yes God Almighty Himself would 'turn malady [or sickness and disease] away from their midst.' What a marvelous promise from God!
And again, this would be because these people, at this time, now represented God's Kingdom Arrangement upon earth, and they now possess a Divine Law System, uniquely from Jehovah God Himself. Praise Jah!
We remember, that thus far, outside of the original kingdom of God granted Adam and Eve and the accompanying Divine Law given them in the Garden of Eden, aside from that situation, actually Jehovah has only granted TWO (2) DIFFERENT DIVINE LAW COVENANTS to go forth upon this earth. Yes, it would be (a) the Mosaic Law Arrangement and (b) the Christian Law Arrangement that Jesus instituted. However, we note all throughout history, that Jehovah has demonstrated his Superior Power over the relentless "kings" of Sin and Death, when God would "heal" an individual.