Text Box: Revelation 5:5
A "Sea" Of YORWW Teachings

  YORWW Congregation Teachings
~Forty (40) Key Articles Explaining The “Sacred Secret” Of God -- Rev. 10:7; Rev. 22:6~






As Simple As “Apple Pie” Illustration!

“Three Simple Statements Of Belief” [Official Church Creed]

One Big Mistake Made By All Mankind!

BEWARE Of The Watchtower's "Golden Calf" Organization!!!

Man Of Lawlessness -- 2 Thessalonians  2:3-12
70 Years Of “Declaring The Name” Completed -- October 1931 Thru October 2001
Scapegoat Is “Atoned For” [A Closer Look Using An Interlinear]

Jesus Preached Liberation From Babylon???
God's “Sacred Secret” Revealed In The “Scapegoat” Covenant -- Lev. 16:10
Babylon The Great -- What Is It???
A “Hated,” “Despised,” “Low,” “Dry” Tree -- Why Chosen By God???
The “Great War” Soon To Be Upon Us! -- Daniel 10:1 (NIV) 
Community Guilt Upon ALL Jehovah’s Witnesses!!!
“King Of The North” Bible Prophecy

Revelation 12 & Jehovah’s Witnesses In Bible Prophecy

One Big Lie!!! -- May 15th, 1984 Cover Page of The Watchtower Magazine

Earthly Jerusalem First “Disciplined,” Then “Praised” By All Nations
The Second “Parousia” Of Christ -- Re-Examined

Jamaica Godly Invite As “New Jerusalem” On Earth

Jehovah's Witnesses In Apostasy!!!
Are You Most Loyal To God Or An Organization -- Which?
When Does Jesus' Heavenly Reign Begin & End?

Singing A "New Song" Before Jehovah -- What Does It Mean?
The Door-To-Door Work -- Is It Scripturally Based?
Jerusalem's Temple Destruction Date of 607 BCE Re-Examined
History Of The Teaching Of 1914 ...“Sacred Secret” or False Doctrine
Oholah & Oholibah - Wicked Prostitute Sisters!
The Beginning Of True Worship
Romans 5:13, 14 Promises Grand Blessings For God's Kingdom!
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Confused In Their Understanding Of Covenants???
The “Spirit of Truth” & “Elijah”

When Will Sickness & Death Be Removed By Almighty God?
Showing Proper Appreciation For Divine Truth!   
Watchtower Society “Contradicts” The Bible -- Where & Why?
YORWW Speaks As “A Voice In The Wilderness”
Two (2) Kingdom Concept Examined -- Daniel 2:44
Identifying The Modern-Day “Messiah” & “Chieftain”

Jehovah's Witnesses Are NOW Taking Blood!
Jehovah’s Witnesses Measured In The Light Of Scriptures!!!
Have You Been Preached To By God’s “REJECTED” Messiah???



   YORWW Bible Academy

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Text Box: Revelation 5:5

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(See Ezekiel 47:1-12)

The initials YORWW stand for "Yah Our Righteousness World Wide" and is taken from Jeremiah 33:16

The YORWW Congregation wants all Jehovah’s Witnesses (former or current) to know that we have a CLOSED DOOR” POLICY to any of their number that are NONREPENTANT over the United Nations - NGO Secret Affiliation of ten years based on Leviticus 4:13, 14 and Ezekiel 43:10-12. This policy

prevents all Jehovah’s Witnesses from taking part in the 90-day Online Bible Study Course on

our discussion boards. This viewpoint is NONNEGOTIABLE.

Special Message


The name “YORWW” means "Yah Our Righteousness World Wide" taken from Jeremiah 33:16. This small group originally called

TWMC [Two Witnesses Must Come] began back in the Spring of 1991 with sixteen (16) FORMER Jehovah’s Witnesses as founding members, who believed Jehovah's Witnesses were modern-day "Israel" of bible prophecy, ever since their taking the Divine Name upon themselves in the year of 1931. However, it was believed Jehovah’s Witnesses were soon to lose that privilege of carrying God’s Great Name, just as the Jewish nation did back in Jesus' day when God REPLACED THEM with 1st Century Christians because of GREAT WICKEDNESS practiced. In fact, Jesus told the religious leaders of his day, the "Kingdom of God" would be "TAKEN AWAY" from them and given to ANOTHER "NATION," first century Christians.   Likewise today, because of great wickedness being practiced, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be replaced by the nation of JAMAICA (first represented by 144,000 Jamaican Teachers of God's Word) who would obediently bear the righteous "fruit" Jehovah seeks. -- See Isaiah 43:18-21; Isaiah 44:3-5; Isaiah 55:13; Matthew 21:43; John 4:23; Acts 15:14, 17.


Please Note:  In short, the YORWW Bible Institute & Religious Studies Group, better known as the YORWW Congregation, is actually a PRIESTHOOD designed and structured specifically to overcome the previously inflicted damage done by the evil, vile, insidious and nefarious Watchtower Society & Governing Body, in their unholy efforts to implement their so-called "priestly training" upon helpless, witless, and unsuspecting victims found at their local kingdom halls, conventions and assembly halls of Jehovah's Witnesses world wide. To overcome such previously ingrained training of many, many years, decades even, a very serious VETTING PROCESS must be implemented . . . as foretold in Bible Prophecy. -- See Luke 13:24-30; Ezekiel chapters 40-48; Zechariah 3:1-7; Malachi 3:1-6.


Written By: 

Donald C. Burney



For more detailed information, please see this article:


New Jerusalem  Sets A Lofty Standard For GOD'S NAME PEOPLE!

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